
Roofing Work London ? Chimney Stacks London
? Regularly cleaning, maintaining and repairing chimneys
and stacks can make a significant difference
to their lifespan and structural integrity.
Divine Roofing Roofing’s expert brickwork maintenance
team work to the very highest standards and bring
specialist knowledge to every job – regardless
of scale or environment.
Services include:
The ravages of time, atmospheric pollution, painting
and general maintenance all inevitably take their
toll on a buildings exterior. Divine Roofing’s
brick cleaning service is specially designed to address
these problems and quickly restore the building to
its original clean and bright appearance – and
add value to the property in the process.
Fully compliant to Health and Safety regulations
Minimum mess and disruption
Cranes and cherry pickers provided for larger
Time, weather and natural decay all play a part in
undermining integrity of the joints between masonry.
When this happens water penetrates into the building
creating ever-greater problems the longer it remains
Divine Roofing can halt and reverse this process by
carefully renewing all the mortar joints between bricks
and masonry.
We repoint walls of all types in all locations and
have the necessary tools (including specialist cranes
and cherry pickers) to do the job as efficiently and
cost effectively as possible.
Fully compliant to Health and Safety regulations
Minimum mess and disruption
Cranes and cherry pickers provided for larger
Chimney Stacks
The chimney stack is exposed to the very worst of
all weather conditions. Keeping it structurally sound
and able to withstand this onslaught takes specialist
knowledge, the right tools and a sound understanding
of all the relevant safety systems.
Fully compliant to Health and Safety regulations
Minimum mess and disruption
Cranes and cherry pickers provided for larger
Fully experienced in the repair and maintenance
of a wide range of chimney stacks
Appropriate work
are available.
Divine Roofing Ltd are registered
with constructionline under reg.
No 45796 and the national fereration
of roofing contractors reg no. 1341.
Our Clients
Our clients include many small and large builders and
developers of the Local Authority, Letting agents and
Housing Associations as well as private households.
• Local authorites
• Schools
• Health authorities
• Housing associations
Our Certification
Divine Roofing & Building Ltd is
certified by the government’s Constructionline:
Reg No 45796 www.constructionline.co.uk
as well as The National Federation of Roofing Contractors
Ltd: Reg no 1341 www.nfrc.co.uk
and The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB):
Reg No 3094689 www.cskills.org
The Divine
Roofing Promise |
A personal service to all of our clients |
An excellent standard of service regardless of
the size of the project |
A professional customer care team to deal wth
any queries you may have |
All work is carried out to our clients’
satisfaction, and we also provide an aftercare |
All products are installed using manufacturers’
recommendations, with appropriate guarantees |
Our health and safety policy is of the highest
standard (available for inspection upon request) |
664 7300 |
